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Giving Your Teen Some Privacy – 7 Reasons Why It’s Important

When children reach their teenage years, their desire for more privacy increases. As a parent, it can be hard to let go of supervising every single act in your child’s life. 

The ever-changing world can seem like a scary place for your child, but giving them some freedom and privacy is a crucial part of helping them grow into independent, functioning adults. 

Giving Your Teen Some Privacy - 7 Reasons Why It’s Important

This article is going to discuss why privacy is important for teens, as well as tips on how parents can grant their children privacy in a safe and secure manner. 

1. There Is A Link Between Privacy And Trust

As teenagers grow up, they want to be thought of as mature and given the freedom to be able to do more things they like (within reason). By giving them privacy, and not watching their every move, you are already showing them that there is an element of trust between you both. 

If you’ve raised your child with a trust-based bond, and open dialogue and communication, it is more likely that you are able to grant them more freedom as they progress as teenagers. 

Giving your teens privacy makes them feel trusted, independent, and self-assured. It also increases their confidence, and this paves the way for how they see themselves in the future. 

2. Privacy Gives Them Space To Develop Interests

As your teen gets older, they begin to learn what kind of person they are becoming, where they fit in, and what they want to do in later life. 

Their brains are also developing rapidly, and they are learning about what different things interest them.

Having interests as a teen enables them to learn skills that will benefit them later in life, and giving them privacy allows them to do that without external input. 

3. Privacy Respects Their Modesty 

As well as mental and emotional changes, the teenage years are when many physical changes take place. 

A child who felt comfortable changing in front of parents may now not want to do so, and they may lock their room when they are getting dressed, as well as their bathroom to ensure their privacy. 

This behavior is completely normal, and parents need not feel worried about it. They may also feel more comfortable asking a same-sex parent questions to do with masturbation, menstruation, and relationships in general. 

They may also want to disclose to this same-sex parent the physical changes they are experiencing. It is always best to be approachable, calm, and honest during these conversations. 

Giving Your Teen Some Privacy - 7 Reasons Why It’s Important

4. Confidence

When teens are given privacy it encourages them to be independent and builds their self-confidence. 

Giving your teen enough privacy lets them know that you trust them to make good decisions. The more you believe in them, the more they believe in themselves.

These are crucial developmental ideologies you are instilling in them and relates back to trust. If they feel you trust them, they are more likely to respect your rules and boundaries. 

5. Less Conflicts

If a teen believes their parents aren’t giving them enough privacy, it usually leads to conflicts at home. 

The teen may feel like their parents don’t trust them, and that they are being treated like a young child.

If this is something that is happening to you, try and see if you can afford your child more privacy without depriving them of their need for guidance. 

If you aren’t giving your child enough privacy because you believe they are hiding important information from you, or are engaging in concerning activities, then you may need to investigate this further. 

6. Allows Them To Acknowledge When To Come To You

While giving your teen privacy may make you anxious about what they are getting up to, giving them this freedom will allow them to develop their own decision-making skills. 

Therefore, they are likely to know when it is time to come clean or open up about certain situations with you. 

7. Allows Them To Develop The Skills Needed For Adulthood

This last point is more of a round-up of the previous points put together.

Allowing your child enough privacy really shows them that they are capable of making their own decisions, and gives them the time and space to put the skills and lessons you have taught them into practice. 

By knowing you trust them, it shows them they are capable and therefore increases their self-confidence, which is something that is crucial for them, later on in life. 

Finding The Correct Balance 

It is important to find the right balance between giving your teen enough privacy, but also enough support, safety, and guidance. 

In order to strike this balance, you must ask yourself what you need to know, and what you don’t need to know. 

For example, you need to know where they are going, and who they are going with. But, you do not need to know what was discussed at this social gathering.

While some teens are perfectly happy disclosing this information with their parents, not all of them are, so they should never be pressed for this information. 

Other ways you can give your child privacy is by ensuring that you knock on their door before entering their room, and not going through their personal things.

If you do need to grab something from their bag, wallet, or room, be sure to ask their permission first and ensure you do not snoop around. 

Final Thoughts 

To conclude, giving your teen enough privacy throughout these years of development will really show them that they are trusted. 

This helps them feel capable and therefore increases their self-confidence, which is a crucial part of becoming an independent and functioning adult. 

Having enough privacy also allows them to develop their own interests, and determine what kind of person they want to be, and what they want to do later in life. 

Striking the right balance between privacy and guidance is crucial, and although it may take some time to get there, it will all be worth it in the end. 

Find out how to support your teen with period cramps at school.

Simon Lewis